Home of the Warped

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New update: Most recent journal entry has been offloaded into its own page. I'm planning on doing this with all journal entries at some point in the future.
Been a while since an actual post like this. Since last time, I've improved graphics, added a few pages (Updated index page, cyberpositive, noise, and an about page). I also added a couple of new journal posts. The most recent one is an important read if you're interested in accelerationism imo. Hopefully anyone who might read these enjoys the new update, let me know what you think.
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dann 5 years ago

Liking the music and old Green Screen visuals.

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warped-world 5 years ago

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedSep 18, 2019
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cyberpunk technology transhumanism music accelerationism