Always Your Pal, Melon!

12,324 updates
2 tips
heyo! I changed the code for our space to allow custom images ~ but the source for the jscript changed with the code, so when you get a chance, could you update to the new one? right now I'm updating four files so yours don't break :P
melonking 7 years ago

Yes sir ma'am!

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Hello Humans! Beatnik made a little webring, It seems to be well put together and I'm always in favor of well put together things, all the cool people have joined (aka me) so if you join you'll be cool too.
jackomix 7 years ago

gimme my email naw

floppyjay 7 years ago

I badly want to join, but it's nearly impossible to edit a site from my phone. Once I have computer access tomorrow, it'll be the first thing I do.

jackomix 7 years ago

@floppyjay You just copy some text and save some pics then add them to your site.

floppyjay 7 years ago

@rocketmix Trust me, I tried. The html editor just isn't functional on my phone.

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Another Daniel from Cork? What were the chances 😅
1 like
watahbufala 7 years ago

oh woah your also a daniel in cork? thats wild. i wasnt born here i moved from the us like a year ago

melonking 7 years ago

I was born here, but I'm about to move to the US for a year. I guess we are opposites.

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Spriteclad leaving prompted me to write this little post on why I think Neocities is important, why I like being a part of it and why Im glad your a part of it too! Give it a read if you're inclined
wielant 7 years ago

The Net brings us together! I love all Neocitizens. You are all mavericks of the digital era!

websitering 7 years ago

Great post Melonking; couldn'tve said it better myself.

1 like
anlucas 7 years ago

"If we keep building boring mundane buildings, then boring mundane people will grow up in them. The same goes for websites and the people who browse them. Perhaps you think thats ok and websites are just websites, I disagree, the little details of peoples lives matter." Easily my favourite point made on this article, great post!

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Yes, totally. :)

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CreatedJul 19, 2016
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