Always Your Pal, Melon!

12,324 updates
2 tips
Had a chance to explore Melon Land. Love your 'junk' pages so much!
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melonking 8 years ago

Thank you :D Ill need to add a bit more to that section after the great christmas spend..

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Sad to report, strangerkawaii has not replied to any emails, I fear for the worst. Fare thee well noble one 🖖
2bit 8 years ago

I hope she returns like in Star Trek III

cyberspaceport 8 years ago

I was going to ask you about this. Only interacted with them a few times, really really hope they're OK :(

I was fairly damn certain I was following you before now...
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2bit 8 years ago

I thought I was following you as well.

I have something realy amazing coming up for you guys in the next few days ;3
shelfdust 8 years ago


The worrying realization that neocities is a changing community and one day you could be left knowing no one for your early days :(
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signalsolonset 8 years ago

Everything is transient, so you'd best make it count.

jeremyredhead 8 years ago

Well, I for one plan on staying on nc for quite a while (and technically my site is older than yours ;P)

Thanks for following me!
melonking 8 years ago

How could I resist the bone eating snot worm :P

The Information Superhighway 1994 -
Your site is a masterpiece 😍
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strangerkawaiithings 8 years ago

Your hacker name is: Spy

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hosma 8 years ago

Your hacker name is: NaN

melonking 8 years ago

Fine.. I fixed it up for you guys, talk about picky testers..

princesstoots 8 years ago

i like the music

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melonking 8 years ago

The hacker page is a nightcore of heycon and on, and the neomail page is a midi of please mr postman, if you wanted to know that is xD

Saw your official website and man its crazy but its cool

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJul 19, 2016
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videogames art music 90s 3d