Always Your Pal, Melon!

12,324 updates
2 tips
jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Ooh, I can't wait for more story pages :D

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melonking 7 years ago

It seems like it should be so easy, but then it takes like an hour to find the right gif and music clip 😅

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

I know the feeling. I think, oh, I'll just upload this piece of writing. Two hours later I'm still struggling to get formatting right. :P

I would really be in favor of neocities providing hitcounters and guestbooks. Hits are already tracked and it would mean less dependency on jankey 3rd party services 🤔
excalipoor 8 years ago

I guess the idea is that the profile page is meant to serve as the guestbook. The downside this approach is that people have to sign up to Neocities before they can leave comments. The upside to this approach is that people have to sign up to Neocities before they can leave comments.

melonking 8 years ago

I don't really consider the neocities social side connected to sites, its more of a community for site developers, but visitors are not involved.

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jeremyredhead 8 years ago

Neocities doesn't want anyone's sites relying on their (neocities') services so they don't break if neocities disappears. Someone should totally make an official neo-guestbook tho. :)

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websitering 8 years ago

How much space/bandwith does that video take up?

melonking 8 years ago

23mb, I did my best to compress it down and keep the quality, though weirdly the way its compressed, you cant see the tape anymore like you could on the original.

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melonking sent a $2.00 tip to spriteclad
8 years ago
The comment and delete buttons just have to be right next to each other don't they 🙄
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signalsolonset 8 years ago

thgeree arw si maby butronns on thiis ketboaed, rityt nexct to eaach other!! Ghow do wr even manafe?!!

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strata 8 years ago

Oy vey, you got ahead of my yet to be released music.html!

melonking 8 years ago

You broke your badge link, I had to use one from owlman in my nav!

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maybe your page is actually called "lemon land" and you're tricking us with an anagram!
melonking 8 years ago

One of those sour pancake squeezers! How could you say such a thing ☹️

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strata 8 years ago

My parents once told me to never trust anybody on the internet! especially when it comes to melons!!

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melonking 8 years ago

In this age of mistrust, melons are the only thing you can really count on.

after all we've been through together you decide to unfollow me :(
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chesto 8 years ago

i feel ur pain brother

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melonking 8 years ago

Oh the humanity

kattyshot 8 years ago

y unfolow :( i kno none of mai folowerz culd nevar unfolow me,

chesto 8 years ago

no one could unfollow you cause no one follows you

1 like

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CreatedJul 19, 2016
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videogames art music 90s 3d