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there a few files on there (like the mp3s, mp4s, and font files), so does anyone have any recommendations for what to do for that?
i'm doing the same, NOT looking forward to all the work though 🚬
hate filehosting services but I feel like my art pieces are just so huge I can't help but use it. unfortunate
god yeah ;-; i have 843 files one catbox rn 😭
I've been using dropbox ever since filegarden stopped working for me like half a year ago and it's been going fine. But I'd definitly recomend backing all your files up on a external hardrive if you have one, not for filehosting purposes but just in case something like this happens again and you can't get them back
honestly i haven't been using filehosting for a while because my Chromebook blocks it, but it's alot nicer I feel to have it on the site itself.