
256 updates
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4 weeks ago
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1 month ago
I love your linguistics blog! <3
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1 month ago
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4 months ago
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4 months ago
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Thank you for the kind words you left on my page :) Glad to see there are still stamp collectors out there. I love all nature stamps, but I settled on focusing my collection on insects. My boss just gave me a whole box of old nature themed stamps, and I am excited to go through them all! You have a wonderful website, wish you the best!
arlisplace 5 months ago

waa thank you so much ! thats awesome !!

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Home was updated.
6 months ago
Home was updated.
6 months ago
Hi! This is my first post! I am currently working on my graphics page, an adoptables and quizzes section and adding a queer and psychology related section to my links page, amongst other things. Long term plans include drop down menus on the nav bar and SHRINES !!!!

Website Stats

Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedDec 31, 2021
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