1,619 updates
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i do REALLY value everyone ive met here though!!!! so if you want to know where to find me, im linking my carrd at the end of this post. the easiest way to stay in touch is tumblr, so feel free to follow as long as your website is linked to your profile somewhere!!!
nitw 3 weeks ago

also there is the possibility that i stop using this specific carrd url in the future.... so if you want to find me and the carrd doesnt work.... good luck!

hi again. sooo this is an announcement i have been really dreading to make :( this site is sadly going on an indefinite hiatus because i Really Need to sort shit out irl for the time being. (explanation in replies)
nitw 3 weeks ago

ive been posting infrequent life updates on tumblr but basically i am in the trenches of my senior year of high school and college applications. add on extracurricular theater, social struggles, a depressive episode, and eating disorder recovery... and my current situation is not just difficult to live with, but also to output anything creative. including web design :(

looks around... well i said the site needed updates and i meant it...! however, i clearly did not get around to finishing the updates... and i have been very busy so they might take a little longer. but regardless of all that, it is my birthday today :) im 18 now!
foggybear42 2 months ago

happy birthday !!!!

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owthehedge 2 months ago

happy birthday ^^ !!!!!!!!

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hello! apologies for the out of nowhere 1 month break... but i really needed that time to focus on everything going on irl. anyways, updates to this site are returning today! there is a LOT that needs to be updated though, so i expect that fully updating the site will take a few days.
owthehedge 3 months ago

welcome back !!

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fellow night in the woods fan (yippee sfx)! thanks for the follow :) super cool site
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anyways... semi-pointless neocities drama aside, an extremely important journal entry was posted yesterday. i would highly recommend that everyone read it (if the topics arent too upsetting), in order to understand why we wont be active for a bit.
huh. wha. huh
nitw 4 months ago

okay. taking divsel's button off my graphics page i guess. what if the world was made of pudding

nitw 4 months ago

some of you clearly arent on the fun website creation site to have fun creating websites... and thats all im gonna say!

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedAug 30, 2023
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