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bulltown 2 weeks ago

That drawing thing on your main page is cool!

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Trekkies webring is almost done (its functional but I wanna finish the site and make the button prettier. If anyone has any advice on making cool webring graphics...)
thegreatpretender02 2 weeks ago

I was honestly thinking of something that has the user's favorite character, kind of like the self-insert webring yk. Might try to make one.

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thegreatpretender02 2 weeks ago

That’s so cool!

thegreatpretender02 2 weeks ago

I need the webring lol (not rushing)

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Tysm for the follow! Happy to see more Trekkies around 🧑
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sunpop 3 weeks ago

Of course!! I loved looking through your site. And tbh, I'm thinking of starting a Trekkie webring just so I can find everyone's sites even easier LOL

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thegreatpretender02 3 weeks ago

Omg I’ve been wanting to start one too! I just don’t know how lol

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a-rainy-mess 3 weeks ago

ik onionring.js is made for starting webrings so u could probably use that? you two could co run it together if you both want to

thegreatpretender02 3 weeks ago

I’ve heard of it Rainy, I could give it a go when I have time. I need someone with more knowledge on how to properly work them.

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sunpop 3 weeks ago

I've beek looking into it today and I think I've got it working- I'm still putting the homepage for it together but I think it's turning out well! The one thing I need to figure out is an easy way for people to apply.

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thegreatpretender02 3 weeks ago

That’s awesome @sunpop, I can’t wait to see it!

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a-rainy-mess 3 weeks ago

yk what? ur making a webring, while ur at it I'm sure there's at least on tfl aproved fanlisting, and if there isn't u could start one up!(Trekkies are like THE og fandom tho so I doubt there isnt already at least one)

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a-rainy-mess 3 weeks ago

I'm planning on making fanlistings for my my faves that don't have them (one of the lucky mfs has one and for that I am grateful but the rest will have to have them made by me lol)

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thegreatpretender02 3 weeks ago

I’ve looked @rainy, any Star Trek webring I could find were apart of the old web days and dead :(

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sunpop 1 month ago

i KILLED the landing page

Kind of wondering if I should ditch the landing page- Not sure it says anything all that important that can't be said elsewhere
aetherbiome 1 month ago

gosh i feel that, i've been debating the same thing

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CreatedMar 30, 2023
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