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rest in peace tokitae. you will be missed by not only every conservationist alive but also your pod back home. i had planned to witness your release here, not 50 miles away, as I have watched your decline into death. im so angry but so happy she is finally at peace.
enflicted 1 year ago

How is it, I live an hour away, and I haven't seen or heard of this. =(

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antikrist 1 year ago

@enflicted exactly. she just passed today so im sure the news will be all over it since she was approved to be released.

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enflicted 1 year ago

Honestly, she should have been released years ago, releasing her at that age, after so long in captivity, being hand fed, I would think, would send her into shock. It's a sad thing, and I wish we humans would stop capturing for profit and amusement.

antikrist 1 year ago

@enflicted she wouldnt be released into the wild, they had planned to put her in a corral in her home waters, acclimating until full release which takes years. as for her age, ocras live incredibly long lives, her mother is still alive with her pod. oldest known orca was 'granny' who died at 107 years old. i have no doubt her memory still lingers in her mothers heart. wild animals will always be wild.

enflicted 1 year ago

@antikrist, this just breaks my heart, I'm not a huge whale fan, but I really hate seeing any wild animal in captivity. Wolves are my animal, and I've seen them being held captive, taken away from their pack. It anger's me.


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