WELCOME to America's Decline

7,305 updates
1 tips
Love your site's layout! It reminded me of the good old days of dial up Internet. XD
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americasdecline 1 year ago

Thank you! That was the goal, haha. I have so many fond memories of those days, even though downloading a 15-second clip video clip took 3 days. I love the subject of your site. Something I'm passionate about & trying to do with my site is create space to explore more fem/girl oriented hobbies, the way more traditionally male-oriented hobbies & interests are online and in nerd culture, so I'm excited 2 see what u do!

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OMG I've officially hit over 100,000 views!! Thank you to everyone who's visited my site. Hope you like it and hope to be more active on here!!
Great job on your site! I never would have guessed you were totally new to coding. Love the look and vibe. I may steal a few of your blinkies if that's alright...
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werepsyche 1 year ago

always okay to steal my blinkies hehehe. THANK YOU SM!!! I've messed with some toyhouse html codes before, and honestly most of my knowledge is trial and error through copy and paste codes and concepts from different html/css tutorial sites HAHA

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Website Stats

Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedNov 28, 2020
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vaporwave nostalgia personal art lgbt