The web site of cherrycloudchiffon

2,256 updates
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Holy cow, the Crowdstrike crash...this felt like what we would expect during Y2K. It's def a wake-up call on self-education to de-monopolize our operating systems. I could see myself getting frustrated at my old job because they relied on what most airports are using for scheduling. I feel bad for those who are in need of paychecks, medical appointments, or emergency travels. >_<
badgraph1csghost 1 week ago

[update failures] When every office had their own server: A mild inconvenience, can't access files on company intranet, tech guys need to work through lunch. Half the world relying on a single bank of computers: The entire world economy grinds to a halt.

cherrycloudchiffon 6 days ago

@badgraphics You worded it very beautifully! I know you wrote entries that weren't too far from this topic.

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badgraph1csghost 6 days ago

I'm just glad that most of the state govts (including my old job) run on ancient legacy machines because their software was developed in VBasic.

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 week ago

Game log entry for Tears of the Kingdom, Summer Photos album updated.

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 week ago

New things: Game log entry on Tears of the Kingdom, a blog entry, and a summer photoalbum.

cherrycloudchiffon 2 weeks ago

Just two new entries.

miela583 2 weeks ago

Shallots are so good- I first bought them for from-scratch weenies and beans and was joking about "ooooh, look at me, using shallots in the junk food~," but I've been an evangelist for them since! Do you usually put a lot in turkey burgers?

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cherrycloudchiffon 2 weeks ago

@miela- They're like a great condiment! I caramelized my shallots in butter and let my turkey bath soak the shallots scents. Then I put heaps of them on my patties before setting the cheese, haha. So delicious. I can't do onions since I get acid reflux from them, but for some reason, I feel safer with shallots. Have you ever tried fried shallots in congee & noods? It's super bomb!

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miela583 2 weeks ago

I haven't, but I'll have to try it! Something like noodles seems like it would let the flavor of the fried shallots shine!

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

One entry for my game log (Tears of the Kingdom) and a summer blog post from this week. I also added a couple of pics & entry on my 'share n' tell' side margin about the time I had pumpkin toppings on a pizza in K-Town.

cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

Completed my last battle with Master Kohga. Just two entries from this week ^^ for my Tears of the Kingdom log

cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

I made a blog post on my reactions for Nintendo Direct. I also updated my gamelog for Tears of the Kingdom, June 17th.

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

Just added game log entries for June 14th & June 15th, for Tears of the Kingdom. No spoilers, but hints are welcome ^^

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

No significant layout changes. Just two small log entries of my Tears of the Kingdom play. As usual, I'm still on a lightroot hunt.

cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

Just a blog entry, and a little side margin update of added thumbnails.

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strawberryreverie 1 month ago

harley, you've really outdone yourself with this summer blog layout, it has to be my favorite one you've done yet!! i loved looking through your pictures of yummy food, and places, especially the park with how beautiful it is. and your outfit is gorgeous! always love seeing your soft and charming art too, you can never have enough perona!

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cherrycloudchiffon 1 month ago

@strawberry-- I'm glad you like my new blog layout! It's my personal favorite too ^_^ tysm for the feedback. You're right, there can never be enough Perona XD

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 16, 2023
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personal art anime baking blog