WELCOME to America's Decline

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Just stumbled upon your site via the yesterweb manifestos and just have to say I love your writing! Excited to read more.
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discoisdead 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply! Would you mind telling me what you enjoyed about my writing?

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americasdecline 1 year ago

I love how you balance research with your personal experience. Your style is also descriptive, humorous and engaging. I also liked the different cultural references you made!

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ugh it's soo time-consuming but I forgot how much fun it is to actually put effort into styling pages lol. I like the basic black, plain fonts on white for accessibility and nostalgia vibes, but adding a bunch of styling to fonts can be so FUN lol.
so I'm kind of soft-launching my Katy Perry shrine and decided to just go ahead and write something up so I could do a hard launch soon but ended up writing something a litter longer and broader than I was expecting. but I'm more excited about it now!! hope to finish it up and post it soon.
thanks for the follow, im so obsessed w ur site!!!! i especially love the CDs page, i luv music so i was thinking of doing something similar and your layout has inspired me ;D
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americasdecline 1 year ago

thank you for your kind words! I'm glad my page has inspired you. :) super cool website yourself. I love all the different layouts and hw you blend nostalgic vibes with a more current aesthetic.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedNov 28, 2020
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vaporwave nostalgia personal art lgbt