Mister Dizzy

9,858 updates
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I really appreciate your articles on social media, and especially Reddit! While I will be writing my own articles on the matter regarding how these things use game-design elements to manipulate people, I really appreciate your take on the matter, and I'll be sure to link people to your article if they have any further questions or want more material!
I'm back. Sorry for being dramatic. Thanks for reading.
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Hey. Thank you so much for your comment. I really needed that. I have been feeling increasingly hopeless about the web, and my place on it. Your comment really meant a lot to me. Thank you.
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rini 3 years ago

Hey, no problem. I'm glad you came back.

rini 3 years ago

Hi Mister Dizzy, so I don’t know exactly what is going on with the new bold statement, but I just wanted to say that I’m in consensus with a lot of your thoughts and really admire how well you articulate them. Yours was the second ever Neocities site I visited, and quite obviously inspired my own site layout. I also did learn something new from your source code. Thanks for putting your words in cyberspace.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedAug 28, 2017
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