Ava's Planet

452 updates
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hi I was wondering if i could use one of your pixel art chracters as a cursor on my website? ur art is so awesome!!!
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foxfable 2 years ago

Yes definitely go for it!! All my art here is free to use except the personal art section n_n Thank you so much and thanks for asking!! <33

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neocities is strange with replying to comments, its ok i wasn't sure if i came off as mean but i am glad you communicated with me you can just put it under a image its absolutely fine! i hope i wasn't mean though i hope you have fun learning coding though
ruralrose 2 years ago

i was scared if you were gonna delete what you made because i didn't want that btw im still very sorry

ruralrose 2 years ago

its still your site and that shouldnt mean u should ever delete what you really want to work on, learning is great :-) thats how everyone starts... mistakes happen and its okay!

avaiscool 2 years ago

you were not mean at all i totally understand i just didnt realize that so many people could see my site i thought i actualloy had to puplish it but i should have assumed!! and i put it as a link in the middle of my site!! ad dont be sorry uts my bad!! thank you :)

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driftt 2 years ago

what a heartwarming to the story, hell ya

you do not have to delete it all you need to do is credit
ruralrose 2 years ago

i am fine with the layout credit but yea i understand what you mean and i am fine with you crediting, i got uncomfortable at first but thank you for telling me thank you sm

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ruralrose 2 years ago

if you want any advice on coding i am happy to help you and give you videos, links and sites that will really help you out when it comes to coding, it helped me out when i was new and wanted to code.

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avaiscool 2 years ago

ok sorry should have realized:( where do u want me to credit on site:)

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hi may i ask where you have gotten your HTML / CSS code?... it looks awfully similar... , I prohibit stealing of my codes unless I have given permission of use. I only allow my code to be used as a test code to people who ask me for permission or a way to learn HTML and CSS, I used code inspection on the control panel ( the chrome settings on the corner ) and noticed that it is all to similar
ruralrose 2 years ago

I do not like un crediting and I also don't like when my layout is extremely similar to yours, everything is literally down to a T .

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avaiscool 2 years ago

sry will delete when i get home. i just saw ur lay-out and thought it was cool and wanted to use it so i could better understand how lay-out stuff works on html. just started using this site so i didn’t realize my site was public and a bunch of ppl could see. very sorry:(


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CreatedMar 24, 2022
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