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Thank you for the follow. You won't see this until you get back from your travels so I hope you enjoyed it and were able to learn something new :).
Off-grid starting now(no internet connection). BRB MAY 2025. Happy Lunar New Year!
the design of this website is really interesting in a good way i love it !!!
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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Thanks! I love your "windows" style look of your website!

Thank you so much for following!! Sorry it took too long to respond, I actually wrote a comment earlier but closed the window ^^; I really like your site though! I really enjoy the cyber-edge that I'm getting from your site... Like a blog from the late 90s to the early 2000s, it's really neat and contrasts well with the modern look of Freiren and the Kpop groups! Kind of like a time machine, hm? Thanks again!! :D
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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Hi amarigashinda! Thanks for the kindness and compliments towards my website! I'm trying to retain the "geocities" aesthetics while having a modern structure/functionality; "cyber-edge" is an exact description of my website. It still needs alot of work. I love the japanese style that is present in your website, almost like a blast from the past. It gives me this rom-com anime vibe like Ranma 1/2 or even Lucky Star.

d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

I forgot to add that the aesthetics of your website also remind me of an anime called "Haruhi Suzumiya".

d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

If you don't know what Haruhi Suzumiya is, then here's a music snippet from youtube:

d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

I don't know what's so funny, but I'll evilly and maniacally laugh as well. eheheheheh

thank you for following! my site isn't super great but it made me feel encouraged!!! good luck with ur travels dude
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Thank you for the follow! I could use some advice as I still don't know what direction I want to go in :)
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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Hi mewmews! I'm not a web design expert, so my advice isn't great; however, I can point you to different sources.

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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

First, it is best to pick a template either one that you create or from others. The best place to look is w3schools:

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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Second, is to use CSS Color Palettes. Particularly is a good source:

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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Third, experiment and try out different Javascript for fun. Here are hundreds from shantanu:

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d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Lastly, fill your site with creative content, such as blogs, your favorite pictures, gifs, etc. It is best to focus on one topic at a time. If you have multiple topics, then that may take a long time, so it is best to keep your undivided attention to one, such as music, art, or games. Overall, GLHF(good luck have fun).

mewmews 1 month ago

Thanks! I'll definitely check those out. Can I ask what specifically made you follow my page? If anything? :)

d-w-o-o-w-b 1 month ago

Before I go on an hiatus on February 2025, I've decided to add random neocities users with the same tags. You happen to be on that search result, so I added you. The main reason I'm adding random users is to create some sort of community on neocities.

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mewmews 1 month ago

Oh okay :D

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thanks for the follow <3
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thanks so much for the follow! <3
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 24, 2024
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blog anime kpop gaming music