HEY !!

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HEY !! was updated.
4 months ago
foggybear42 4 months ago

moved the fanlistings to their own page and added some things to my about page. trying to think of what else to add,,,

hey! i wanna add your button to my site, but it doesnt seem to be up ^^?
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pixelmoondust 4 months ago

ah, i forgot to change the link to it :o thanks for telling me, and its up now :3

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1 like
added a few more books to my books page! also added a little shelf hr for fun
changed it so you cant type in the textarea i put my button code in :)!
does anyone know how to give the scrollbar inside a div element a difference appearance than the main scrollbar?? or if thats even possible? ive been trying different things and i cant figure out how to do it
pixelmoondust 4 months ago

i add 'scrollbar-color: 'color' 'color'; scrollbar-width: thin;' to whatever div i want to change and it works for me! i usually have mine transparent but it works fine for different colours :3

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 4, 2023
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personalwebsite beginner queer autistic