The web site of heoism

406 updates
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IRL developments are unfortunately slow, though I won't elaborate. As for the Neocities website, I'll likely be making a site hotbar soon; please be aware that I work a full-time unionized job and would additionally like to use my own assets without wholly mimicking the page style of lupinus or mental-labour, despite the inspiration. I may additionally look into light/dark toggles for accessibility.
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lupinus 1 hour ago

ive been thinking about working on theme toggles too, it might help with accessability on my more red/black heavy pages lol. also dw about mimicking my stuff!! the more homemade grunge the better >:D

I need to make some quality-of-life changes to the Heoist philosophy site (notably, a site navigation hotbar), but will likely be taking a break for some real-life praxis. The fascist regime is about to cross what I established as The Rubicon.
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It took two hours for me to figure out how to make a site button. The .gif is rudimentary but will work for now until I can create something better.
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heoism 1 week ago

Yes I'm aware of the low visibility at the moment. This current spaghetti code is in lieu of background art and improved banners; the background is currently off-black and tinted red to create contrast between the pure black of the Heoist symbol. Credit to mental-labour and lupinus for style ideas.

heoism 2 weeks ago

I can't seem to figure out why the otherdocs page has a significantly smaller font specifically on mobile...?

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 1, 2025
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socialism communism leftism politics philosophy