ryuji https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9f/66/fa/9f66fafc1d670cf5941344a9630e7423.jpg
erin https://holidayhearse.tumblr.com/post/168838579950/erin-ref-your-favorite-only-slightly-evil
professor sunshine https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lakewood-plaza-turbo/images/8/8f/Sunshine.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20180704201732
there's actually a whole comic starring them! click for clicky: https://twitter.com/FicarraKelly/status/1148326196939067392
i told on my twitter that it is on a hiatus for some time, most likely forever. I don't care about that project anymore and don't want to spend my power on it, never was worth the game.
ok, i was (still am) a huge fan of your music, and i wish you the best in your next projects
you can take a look at sfcs.neocities.org - it's kind of specific, but you will find a some unannounced music stuff out there, made with my DIY synths.
thank you!!!!! and ive heard the robot jones comment before LOL, ive never actually watched that show
do you do animations by any chance?
im majoring in animation! though i havent gotten to "make a picture move" level yet
oooh, just curious if you had any cartoons on youtube or something along those lines. wish i could draw cartoons. been thinking of doing sock puppets for the longest time but haven't gotten around to doing that.
sock puppets are cool!