Lagomorph Club

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I got something to share that I recalled when reading your page on NewPipe: I use an app called PipePipe that does pretty much the same thing for Android. I got it via F-Droid, a hub of FOSS applications you can get. There's a big ol reddit post that I recommend taking a gander at.
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badgraph1csghost 4 months ago

I heard about PipePipe, but NewPipe had the advantage of being the one I tried first. Also, I have something to add about that reddit post...

badgraph1csghost 4 months ago

...This, dear people, is why I have been recommending splitting up your phone into individual devices for the past 5 years. This reddit post describes basically a part-time job, co-ordinating protections for all the surveillance vectors the corporate feudal state have baked into your phone.

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CreatedJul 23, 2023
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