The Works of Egan

8,410 updates
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Finally updated this place back to a little landing page directing people to my blog's new home!
Hey thanks for the follow! I love the look of your site, and I always enjoyed your posting energy and love for spongebob on cohost
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softwareangel 5 months ago

thank you so much!!! :'-D i look forward to more posting here on neocities and following you as well!

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Planning on turning this site into some kind of landing page and/or microblog thing now that I've moved my big blog elsewhere. Doesn't feel good to leave this as a shambling corpse.
Howdy folks! Some of you might be following the site through this feed, so I just wanted to post a heads up that I've moved to another hosting provider! So if you want to keep up with the site, be sure to go bookmark it or grab the RSS feed!
Hi there. I don't mind if you rip my blog setup if you're going to tinker with it and make it your own, but could you please remove the goatcounter script at the bottom of each page? Your site is showing up in my analytics tracker. Thanks.
not-alone 6 months ago

I just realized "ok!!" is a trashy reply, LOL, anyway, I removed it, sorry I was just using it as a personal blog thats my bad I just deleted it completely

theworksofegan 6 months ago

All good! I appreciate it!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 20, 2022
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personal blog videogames