Mister Dizzy

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rini 3 years ago

Hi Mister Dizzy, so I don’t know exactly what is going on with the new bold statement, but I just wanted to say that I’m in consensus with a lot of your thoughts and really admire how well you articulate them. Yours was the second ever Neocities site I visited, and quite obviously inspired my own site layout. I also did learn something new from your source code. Thanks for putting your words in cyberspace.

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Thanks for following me! I noticed some interesting stuff on your website, so I'm following you too now, and I'll add your button to my page in a moment. Also, FYI, the links on your "About" page are broken, you should add "fuck/" to the actual links.
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misterdizzy 3 years ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad anyone is paying attention to my shouts into the infinite void. I needed that. Thanks.

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tenku for subscurbing!
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedAug 28, 2017
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