YAY NEW LINKS PAGE!!! Now with 2x as many site buttons neatly organized by type and color!!! Also updated resources and credits :3
i'm going to (try) to organize my button wall into types(genre?) and mayyybe color so that its easier to browse and nicer to look at
ooo thats such a good idea! i always feel so bad bc i never have the time to go through every site on someones button wall, it would be great if i could see which ones interest me at a glance c:
added the last two morningreigns pixels, some art, and updated some stuff here and there :3
Love these character profiles so much, I should really make character-specific pages like this!!
oops i'm making little bouncing pixels for all of my horses... added 3 new arts :3
thank you so much! i appreciate that, i worked hard to make sure it looks decent on phones :3