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I'm having trouble formatting the main blog page. On my desktop with my large monitor every displays properly but on my laptop the side elements overlap the center. Zooming out on the page will correct this. If you know how to fix this please email me at I can also send you the code if needed. Be aware it is pretty unorganized as I am still new to this.
To prevent the overlap try increasing a bit the value of the min-width in this part of your code: @media (min-width: 1024px) { .desktop-only { display: block; } This will show the elements with class "desktop-only" (your side images for example) if the screen width equals or is higher than the given value and hide them if its below them. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much, digitalhumus. Unfortunately that didn't quite fix it but it did hide those elements when I was using my laptop (1366x768) which is good enough until we can figure it out. Also I've noticed when I go into full screen (F11) the mushroom images at the bottom sides of the page don't stay there. When I lower them they just crop off in the default view. We'll figure it someday.