cabbage sorter

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1 year ago
vivarism 1 year ago

So cool that you've got your own car now!! Do you think you'll still take the trams even when you're able to drive on your own? Also I see you've gotten around to reading the better Murakami 👀 Eyes peeled for that review, I wonder if it's as good as I remember

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cabbagesorter 12 months ago

I'm still a public transport tram fan deep in my heart, and ill probably be too scared to drive a car in the big city for a while... although theyre slowly phasing out my favourite old tram model so ill have less reasons to take them in the future ;_;

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cabbagesorter 12 months ago

And yes I finally began reading it for real, I'll definitely finish it on my summer vacation!!! This year has been pretty slow reading wise for me

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