Bytemoth's (Astoundingly Effervescent) Brook

916 updates
0 tips
a href shorthand pro tip: you can start a URL with two slashes ("//") instead of having to type https:// every time, or a single slash ("/path/to.file") for the document root ("")
heyty 3 years ago

You can use dots for relative paths; If you are already in "yoursite.neocities/path/", gonna be like: "./to.file"; "./" means from this directory; if you are in "yoursite.neocities/path/example/": "../to.file", "../" means from the parent directory... And you can add more if you need to go "back" further "../../../../another.file".

heyty 3 years ago

Also related with links: using "referrerpolicy='no-referrer'" in your tag helps a little our privacy, since the browser don't send where are you comming from when clicking a link to external websites.

lol "This is a website!" "Fuck dude it sure is"
jackomix 3 years ago

"Y'know, I've was worried that I wouldn't find a website, but the tag system was there to save me."

arkmsworld 3 years ago

Never thought I'd see the day they'd have websites here.

roseknight 3 years ago

fucked up if true0

38cautionzone 3 years ago

Holy shit, it a website!

domushen 3 years ago

It can't be...

argh 3 years ago

sorry to be a debbie downer, but its a hoax, guys. this isnt real.

1 like
sillyfanboy 3 years ago

i thought this was a svg.

1 like
bytemoth 3 years ago

22/38 pages updated; PCs section complete; had the galaxy brain idea to use htp's file include command to use the same files to generate index.html tabs and seperate pages for Dive/Warp/Webrings/Now

yo why tf the fuck do i only have good website ideas at like 3am
really great interface, everything flows nice and smoooth
1 like
bytemoth 3 years ago

Only 11/33 pages done but screw it, have a revamp. Refresh yourself in Bytemoth's Brook! This concludes our regularly unscheduled "bytemoth has a website but doesn't update it for a full year" test.

bytemoth 3 years ago

getlinks/homepage.htm: Returned links to 90sgenzkid, tehleroy, jlehr/buttongrid, nostalgic, dann, reagnyan, billsworld, owlman, mace486, scenequeen, arkmsworld, rivendell, districts, and JAUP. Am I missing anyone with one of my buttons on their page? (wink wink nudge nudge)

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 13, 2016
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