The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇

19,933 updates
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satyrwoud 3 years ago

three new links have been added, go check ’em out

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satyrwoud 3 years ago

it's not meant to do that but if you just click on the logo in the header you'll get to the new version of the blog honest

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Hi Marjin, I want to join your NEOcharts! My username is nursemchurt 😁
joppiesaus 3 years ago

I would like to let you know that certain adblockers block the site statistics script

satyrwoud 3 years ago

I am, alas, aware — but I think these stats are good enough on aggregate

satyrwoud 3 years ago

(Hell, *my* ad blocker blocks it — i have it turned off for my own website, but still)

rainmirage 3 years ago

hehe the new zealand views on your site are probably from me

rainmirage 3 years ago

(also, how do you collect this info? is it something you get for supporting neocities monetarily?)

satyrwoud 3 years ago

Nope — my site isn’t even hosted on Neocities anymore! I use GoatCounter for analytics — it’s reasonably non-invasive; all i really see is the information listed on the page as well as where people got referred from

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novov 3 years ago

I've been wondering: how do you get your updates on Neocities then?

satyrwoud 3 years ago

Well, ah, I don't think Neocities has actually realised I've stopped paying for Supporter yet, so it still redirects everything to

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this is the greatest website on this website. thank you
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awesomecars 3 years ago

you're welcome :^)

satyrwoud 3 years ago

A portal opens…

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satyrwoud 3 years ago

Aaaand we’ve moved — i’ll try to keep you folks updated with any new pages that crop up, don’t worry

Happy St. George's Day! (And a happy 500,000-views day to me...)
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satyrwoud 3 years ago

finally fulfilled my promise and fancied up the list of other armigerous netizens

novov 3 years ago

Nice work, but it's slightly inaccurate to the blazon... There should be a window above the door, and both openings should be white

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedAug 14, 2017
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