The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

In addition to the latest Misrule entry, i’ve done up “A Christmas Carol” on the Codex with the original illustrations from 1843. ’Tis the season!

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

Changed the default sans-serif font for pages like the linkroll from Source Sans to Alegreya. Goodnight sweet pince......

satyrwoud 1 year ago

(Reason being that Garamond, which most pages on my site use, is a very print-y, bookish font, and Source Sans *screams* “THIS IS A DIGITAL THING” — i wanted to replace it with something that looked a little more like it belonged in a book. Gill Sans was my first choice, but people on Android wouldn’t see it and i’m not coughing up two hundred quid just to use a nice font by a nonce from 1928.)

Lords of Misrule has begun! Even more people turned out this year than last, which is good, because i was beginning to worry you’d all forgotten i’d existed. :-) Submissions will be rolled out over the next few days.
satyrwoud 1 year ago

Yes, technically it’s not the 17th yet, but i’m a tired man and i wanted to get a shift on — think of it as Christmas coming early.

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I need, like, a shock collar that zaps me every time i write something too cynical. I’ve been noticing it more and more and i really try not to be!
satyrwoud 1 year ago

...You could probably actually build something like this if you had the time. I only ask that anyone who does do it calls the machine Waymond

I am *such* a sucker for this kind of skeuomorphism
Lots of people make fun of Discord and Reddit mods. They say they're narcissistic, power-hungry pricks who get high off of banning people they disagree with. As someone who once moderated a fairly large Discord server, I can tell them that they are *absolutely* right jesus christ I'm never doing that again
satyrwoud 1 year ago

I have so many war stories which you’ll probably never hear because i as a rule don’t talk about dumb internet drama on my website but trust me that shit sucked lmao

satyrwoud 1 year ago

I'm European. Half of the mod team was American. I would frequently wake up and found out they'd banned someone for utterly ridiculous reasons and then i had to run damage control but not *actually* unban them because a majority of the mod team were in favour. Lots of ugly personal stuff involved too (which i’m really not in a position to share).

satyrwoud 1 year ago

Anyway all this is to say that i’m not sure “Twitter but run by Discord mods and populated with exclusively the most annoying people from Twitter” is a great elevator pitch for your service

pencilvoid 1 year ago

what if they just made a human artist and a robot from those robot fighting shows fight to the death

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

I'd pay for that tbh

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For the longest time i could not follow you back! Clicking on your profile would just take me to your website. Maybe I'm just terrible at technology
satyrwoud 1 year ago

Ahhh, no, that was deliberate on my part — I’d “left” Neocities because some of the people on it were doing my head in, only coming back to check in occasionally. Turned my profile back on again recently because it turns out that also basically cratered the number of hits my site was getting lol

satyrwoud 1 year ago

Finally renovated the obscure loan-word subpage to be more in line with its parent’s style. Also added “playersexual” to the compendium of good words


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