The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇

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Bilingual-website problems: Every time I try translating a page which refers to me in the third person into Dutch I end up wanting to throw my keyboard out of a window
satyrwoud 1 year ago

“Die” (something like “that one”) in the nominative and “hen”/“hun” (“them” and “their”) elsewhere is the option which sounds *least* like nails on a chalkboard but AUUGGHHH WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS DUTCH WHY CAN’T YOU HAVE A NICE UNISEX THIRD-PERSON PRONOUN LIKE ENGLISH DOES

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hi just wanted to let you know your site's URL made me realise i've been mentally pronouncing "satyr" the same way as "satire" until now. thank you
satyrwoud 1 year ago

hey, they're almost-sort-of-but-not-really related

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

In addition to the latest Misrule entry, i’ve done up “A Christmas Carol” on the Codex with the original illustrations from 1843. ’Tis the season!

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

Changed the default sans-serif font for pages like the linkroll from Source Sans to Alegreya. Goodnight sweet pince......

satyrwoud 1 year ago

(Reason being that Garamond, which most pages on my site use, is a very print-y, bookish font, and Source Sans *screams* “THIS IS A DIGITAL THING” — i wanted to replace it with something that looked a little more like it belonged in a book. Gill Sans was my first choice, but people on Android wouldn’t see it and i’m not coughing up two hundred quid just to use a nice font by a nonce from 1928.)

Lords of Misrule has begun! Even more people turned out this year than last, which is good, because i was beginning to worry you’d all forgotten i’d existed. :-) Submissions will be rolled out over the next few days.
satyrwoud 1 year ago

Yes, technically it’s not the 17th yet, but i’m a tired man and i wanted to get a shift on — think of it as Christmas coming early.

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I need, like, a shock collar that zaps me every time i write something too cynical. I’ve been noticing it more and more and i really try not to be!
satyrwoud 1 year ago

...You could probably actually build something like this if you had the time. I only ask that anyone who does do it calls the machine Waymond

I am *such* a sucker for this kind of skeuomorphism

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedAug 14, 2017
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