Pixel Glade Splash Page

2,950 updates
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The job interviewers got to see the Pixel Glade redesign before you guys did sorry. They said it hit them right in the nostalgia though. 😀 I am still tweaking the homepage but soon I will be able to adapt all the other pages to it.
Got a job interview on Friday for a graphic designer / web designer position. It's the first job interview I've gotten for design work so wish me luck!
manyface 1 month ago

good luck!!!

yudosai 1 month ago


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dingosden 1 month ago

wow, good job getting this far, you'll nail it!!

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It's one year on T for me today. 🎉
fishcatpng 2 months ago

Congratulations! Milestones! Woo!

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pixelglade 2 months ago

Thanks fishcatpng :)

Posted new artwork which is a comic about social media, the web, and sensory overload using the characters from Pop Team Epic.
Working on an overhaul to the site CSS and navigation, effectively a redesign. Partially to solve some accessibility issues with the navigation but also because visually the site is a bit stuck in how it was originally set up. The new redesign incorporates custom pixel graphics as a 1990's throwback, a new banner, and overall larger main area to work with. Hoping you all like it when I eventually finish it. 💖
gildedware 2 months ago

Excited to see it!!

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pixelglade 2 months ago

Thank you @gildedware!

Added an RSS feed only for blog posts: That way you don't have to keep following my random little HTML/CSS updates if you don't want to.
I'll keep providing updates on here by text but I got rid of the automatic redirect. Partially this is because redirects on my host has slowed down a lot so there is occasionally significant delays loading the new page and I don't want people getting the wrong impression and thinking the old one on Neocities is the main page. I'll still provide text updates here but I won't be updating the image in the feed anymore.
I finally finished a blog post I had been working/sitting on for the last few months about my vision impairment. It's long but, hopefully someone out there gets something out of it.
pixelglade 3 months ago

even if that "something" is "oh today I learned that this exists".

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fri11s 3 months ago

I recently learnt of nystagmus when reading about Richard Osman. Thank you for pouring so much into this blog post. It has inspired me to think of ways to make the width of my website narrower so that it is easier to view.

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pixelglade 3 months ago

There's a general guideline in graphic desing that optimum line length is around 50-75 characters long. That's a good general guideline to follow and just making sure the text reflows properly when resizing the screen is the most important thing. That would help :)

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fri11s 3 months ago

I recently switched from '600px' to 70ch for my max reading-width utility class which theoretically should be 70 characters, but find it doesn't seem to work that way. It is more roughly 100 characters which is significantly wider. Perhaps rem would be more appropriate. But certainly reflowing is super important!

mostlypixels 3 months ago

Thank you for this amazing post, and not just in a "today, I learned that this exists" way. It's incredibly thorough. And, like Frills, it motivates me to improve my website. I have mild convergence insufficiency, so I struggle with long lines/spacing too, but still ended up tailoring my site to exactly what *I* find usable. Even though I've had to write Stylish styles to make some other sites legible. Shame on me 😅

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pixelglade 3 months ago

Hey mostlypixels, thanks! And yeah, I also designed my site around what works for me haha. Thanks for reading!

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whiona 3 months ago

I had never heard of this before today, so thank you for educating me! I look forward to your next post.

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CreatedMar 13, 2022
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