The web site of smyrlok

793 updates
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The art on your page is so fun! Fell in love with the design of your sona. Also happy to follow another biology enthusiast. I too, enjoy Clint's Reptiles! I found his content when I was planning on adopting a pet snake, but that never ended up happening. Nevertheless, the love for reptiles remains. Looking forward to see what the future brings for your site!
windtied 3 months ago

yippie ^_^ tysm

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Siden din bare bugner av personlighet! Har kost meg med å klikke rundt. Du deler mye fint om deg selv og egne prosjekter. Ikke minst gir bildene dine og de håndtegnede illustrasjonene et vakkert, varmt og nesten litt «hjemmekoselig» preg. Gleder meg til å lese mer! Og masse lykke til på gartnervgs!
soloppsprang 4 months ago

Så fine ord! Tusen takk, det var koseleg å høyre :D

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Joined the NoAI webring. Thank you for having me!
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It's a shame 123guestbook shut down! I wanted to say that your html tutorial on tumblr was what broke down html and css for me. Thank you!! Your website style is also lovely and I especially enjoy your blog section. There's a special kind of warmth in your blog I aspire to have on my own pages.
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fearoffun 4 months ago

i'm so, so glad to know that my tutorial helped you wow..>!!! thank you for your kind words you've seriously motivated me to come back to neocities..... your site is beautiful as well <333 :.)))

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smyrlok 4 months ago

rahhh the pleasure is on my side!! and thank you so much<:)

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I'm quite late but thank you for the follow! I've enjoyed looking through your retro game reviews a lot. You write very well and keep me engaged even though I'm completely green to most of the games you write about.
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radpage 4 months ago

Thank you so much! Honestly making writing about completely unknown games still interesting is one of my ultimate goals here, so I'm very glad to hear it.

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Problems on my site should be fixed now!
Added images to my gallery section! Woo hoo! Hope everyone is doing well :-)
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedAug 23, 2023
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illustration retro movies cool comics