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Blog is definitely coming next month, this last half has been insanely busy between class and art fight 😭
Nice page
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cadeion 2 hours ago

My apologies for the late reply but thank you so much!! ^^

I’ll make a blog post eventually SOB,.
cadeion 2 weeks ago

I’ve been really tired lately and I gotta get back to my art fight grind and everything else grind (school + my site)

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lees-faggotry-cave 2 weeks ago

take ur time !! imo the more i feel pressured 2 work on my site the less likely i am to actually enjoy getting stuff done

The new Defunctland video has me super tempted to either make a shrine or microblog post about Wannado city…
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cadeion 1 month ago

No one could’ve prepared me for the shock of opening my YouTube feed to a video talking about one of my favorite places I went to as a kid that’s just kinda a thing people who grew up in the 2000’s and went there remember (which isn’t many from experience)

cadeion 1 month ago

Also maybe I’ll throw in JABiztown too briefly cause I was roped into doing that as well (unfortunately💀)

autolysis 1 month ago

DUDE I WAS SO UPSET IT SOUNDS SO FUN i had something similar but its just not the same

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cadeion 1 month ago

@autolysis IT WAS!! I have a lot of fond memories of it since I would go very frequently. I was so heart broken when it closed and most people I know who also went felt the same way

cadeion 1 month ago

Added Artfight info to my home page!

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Woe, art fight be upon ye (Team Seafoam for the win)
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cadeion 1 month ago

I also have a hitlist form anyone can fill out if they’d like to be attacked by me (if we’re mutuals chances are I already have you down so you don’t have to fill this out!) Form can be found here:

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I have quite literally been so busy this month doing refs that I haven’t had the time for anything else SOB; I will get back around to uploading art here and working on other site changes too
Added 5 new themes to switch between on my site! Also added a brand new link for my site,, where I will be posting weekly thoughts every Sunday EDT. Added new buttons to my other links page as well. and my Micro-Blog now have RSS feeds to follow too
All art and descriptions for the 2023 gallery page have been added, the main code on the main gallery page has also been updated. Featuring a dedicated RSS feed just for new gallery uploads! If you are interested in knowing when I post new art, I would recommend following the feed!
cadeion 2 months ago

I will still update the main site logs once a month when the featured drawing in the gallery changes so you can see any other art that was posted over the course of that month too! I just don't want to clog up the main update feed with just my art uploads

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedOct 21, 2022
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personal art furry drawing blog