the webbed site of grumbletooth

808 updates
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Hello, thank you for following! I see we share a love of free resources, particularly eBooks. And I am on the same page as you in terms of Web3/social media is concerned. Hope you enjoy Neocities and I'm looking forward to seeing more updates!
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grumbletooth 2 years ago

Thanks so much! As a fellow vegan I saw your recipes collection and just had to follow- I might need to try some out once I've got a little time to cook!

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pixelglade 2 years ago

Oh excellent more vegans following me, haha. I haven't added many new recipes lately because I was too busy to cook properly but I'll add more soon. I hope you find something you like! If you like curry you should definitely try the curries I put on there, they take time to prepare but they're worth it imo.

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It is awesome how much you've already changed your site!
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CreatedNov 29, 2022
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