
1,681 updates
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ilta222 was updated.
3 days ago
ilta222 was updated.
5 days ago
ilta222 was updated.
1 month ago
OH MY GOD your art is amazing!!!! It's so cute and soft. I could live in those gorgeous places forever!
ilta 1 month ago

thank you so much!! <3

1 like
vegacollective 1 month ago

We agree, very nice indeed!

your site is so cool! i love all the matching pixel art for each section, it feels good on the brain :3c
bruno-rubim 1 month ago

Thank you!! ^^ I'm glad you liked your time there

1 like
the myspace page as an about is so cute!
1 like
unapothecary 1 month ago

thank you sm!!!

so many cute ideas on your site i love it sm ;_;
1 like
salixx 1 month ago

thank you! your pixel art is beautiful :)

loooove your art and site <3
1 like
succuguts 1 month ago

thank you!!

lovely site! love the syosa pixel art, you have great taste :)
1 like
faintlymacabre 1 month ago

thank you! her art is so wondrful c:

1 like
super cute site ;_;
1 like
burgeritchi 1 month ago

thank u sm!!!!!! i love ur pixel art its so cute

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedFeb 5, 2024
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pixelart pixel 8bit fantasy artist