Pixel Glade Splash Page

2,950 updates
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New screenshot study added from Pokemon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Also new blog commented added to the latest blog post (thank you Jobee!)
Hi Minhasaflicoes, thank you for following me. I read a few of your blog posts and I hope your health continues to improve.🙏
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minhasaflicoes 7 months ago

You're welcome! I liked the colors of your site. Thank you very much, and I wish the same to you, doubly.

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Hi!! thank you for following. The Dark Souls item select sound effect on the castle grounds hit me in the feels. Also the rumors page is really spooky in an old web way (I don't know how to describe it, just bordering on uncanny). overall very interesting and unique aesthetic to your site 👍
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nymphblood 7 months ago

I am so glad you enjoy! Thank you for the follow as well

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hi there! Thank you for following my site. Are the pixel graphics on the homepage yours? because they're really cool
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feralasar 7 months ago

Yes, I made pretty much all of the site graphics with exception of the transparent texture decoring the posts.

feralasar 7 months ago

Also sorry I didn't see this post till now + I was gone for a few days bc irl reasons

feralasar 7 months ago

Also thanks!

New guestbook comment and comment on the most recent blog post about Web Hosts / Social Update. Thank you! ❤️
Hey Psychcool, hope you found something you like on my site and you enjoy your time on Neocities. 🙂
psychcool 7 months ago

Thank you! I really liked your article on the state of science in academia. It was really eye opening to me. I also really liked the information you provided about dreaming and consciousness.

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pixelglade 7 months ago

I don't think too many people read the science pages but I'm happy you did and got something out of it. ❤️

New guestbook comment by natalie. Thank you! ❤️

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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manga illustration pixelart vegan art