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eheheeuifhuiefkske i LOVE IT!!!!! so many pop girlies :3 i had planned on doing something similar for my wrapped and i never really got around to it, so this is great to see...... i've loved tinashe since 2 on came out in 2014, never thought she'd break through the way she did last year, so proud of her@!@!!!! <3
I LOVE, especially all the songs from Brat! So so good.
LOVED IT! Love seeing Needs as the first song up. It's my favorite Tinashe song which I listened to about a billion times last year I simply couldn't get enough. This is supposed to be about last year's listening but I'm curious to hear ur thoughts as a fellow Addison Rae appreciator on High Fashion. Personally, I'm Obsessed (hahaseewhatididthere)(also i love Obsessed unironically). Great work on this writeup!
amazing. The work really shows!!!
ty all for your kind comments <3