Fresh Egg!

2,173 updates
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Fresh Egg! was updated.
1 week ago
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eggdev 1 week ago

Further clarification in using MV Plugins in MZ (Yanfly specifically), with a link to yanfly's post on the matter. Be safe out there, game devs!

The rating period is now open over on the rpg maker gamejam page! Definitely recommend checkin out the entries if you havent already~!
Fresh Egg! was updated.
2 weeks ago
eggdev 2 weeks ago

Fixed audio not playing on the homepage, should be working again ^w^/ (not auto play dw!)

unrelated: the rss verify..thing seems to not recognize the edits I've made, and list several things as errors despite it working perfectly fine like before..and the update showing up (albeit, with the wrong date attached) so erm, im not sure how to fix this ; _ ; sorry ;;
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eggdev 3 weeks ago

Well, tested a different RSS validator and it seems fine so ??? oh well haha

New game release! You can check it out over on my itchio (linked on the right side of my site) for the gamejam~ Thank ya'll for your patience! <3
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Fresh Egg! was updated.
3 weeks ago
eggdev 3 weeks ago

updating info regarding using the FOSSIL plugin and yanfly. I was not aware of this fact in the past, and felt it was important to not spread misinfo. RMMZ users, try using Visustella plugins if you can :3 that's all!

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another year olda wao!
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eggdev 3 weeks ago

Bday went well!! ^w^/ still chuggin away at the gamejam game aa hope ya'll have been well!

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sorry for lack of updates, been working at a gamejam game in the meantime! Stay safe ya'll!
fizzsea 1 month ago

good luck with the jam!

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just updating the guestbook ;w;/ I'll miss you 123guestbook...
Fresh Egg! was updated.
1 month ago
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CreatedOct 13, 2017
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gamedev rpgmaker