Mordecai Alba

1,295 updates
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music!!! thanks 4 the follow :)
thanks for the follow! excited to dive more into your blog, your site is really cute :)
to be honest i want to start exchanging long ass emails with people again. anyway if you want to send me a long ass email you'll get a faster reply from because my main inbox is simply so much right now
i have a pc now O_O
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really trying to step away from social media and even things like discord this year. if anyone has any recommendations for more thoughtful alternatives to particular sites/features please comment !
maxcrunch 3 weeks ago

I made a Google doc and put my "tweets" in there... no social aspect but it's a good outlet for that. you can see it on my "not Twitter" page. I've seen a lot of people start microblogs to fill that which might be more practical if you want to keep the social element of a site like that.

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mordecaialba 3 weeks ago

i lowkey love that! i def use tumblr still :P but sometimes my thoughts do not need to be shared...i should use my diary more tbh LOL

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maxcrunch 3 weeks ago

lol I have that thought sometimes too... should I just put this in my journal? I don't need to share this right? but I'm so trained now!

your site is SO CUTE!!! i love your art and i'm excited to try any crochet patterns you come up with ^_^
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shrewbean 3 weeks ago

the crochet patterns will take a long time to cook... but thank you for the nice words! I love your illustrations n fiber arts as well, that mushroom is so cute 😭

this is a good recipe in my opinion and similar to the one i tend to use: but i don't add brown sugar, and i would say only add as much water as needed to cover the chicken, it doesn't have to be the amount listed
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rhzartist 3 weeks ago

thank you so much! I'll definitely use this next time

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mordecaialba 3 weeks ago

no problem! i also don't know a lot of filipino people who use onion at all which this recipe calls for, so maybe try it without and see if you feel like you need to add it :P

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your site is so cool and welcoming! thank you so much for the follow ^_^
your site looks really great so far!! I really love your art :]] if it helps, I usually find that converting to jpegs helps load art a lot faster unless you need transparent backgrounds and it's pretty much the same quality—good luck continuing your site!
varix 4 weeks ago

Thank you! Glad you like my work! I'll keep in mind to use jpegs instead in the future.

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I rly like your website! the buttons at the top are so cute and your art is really pretty
mordecaialba 1 month ago

ahh thank you so much! i really appreciate it

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 28, 2023
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art writing trans illustration zines