Thanks so much for the nice comment ;w; I loooove your art, your work is beautiful. I don't understand aesthetic all that well, I'm picking apart my favorite bits of the internet and shoving them all together hahah <3 Thank you!
You're welcome! I'm so happy you like my artwork <3 At least in terms of Y2K I learned more about it through CARI (Consumer Aesthetic Research Institute)'s website and Twitter. I found it a really good starting point for finding artists I like in the style. You're right though, there's so much hidden y2k stuff on the web waiting to be discovered. :)
WHOAAA! I dove into CARI, just scratching the surface. I *love* neo-Y2K. Thank you for sharing it! I could scroll through here for hours!
Fixed most of the issues with the blog post, but text-align: center property is ignored when the flex is on. I'll find a better way of doing this one day!
no big, love your site and your pixel art :)
Thank you so much!
if you ever read Hegel's account of Consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit lemme know what you think of it i'd love to know
I haven't read it but I'm intrigued.