No Happy Nonsense

13,139 updates
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666 days left to submit to the ear rat. minus 660. "love and connection in strange and cursed places" is the theme. sounds rad. info:
paintkiller 9 months ago

I need to get my ass in gear.

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tank fur follo
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good chance all of my links are/will be broken as i perform totally unnecessary and unexpected maintenance
thanks for following friendo
to all: this site is hella dope
lostletters 9 months ago

couldn't agree more!

1 like
Ten days left to submit something weird and wild to Ear Rat Mag. To those of you who have already submitted and I still haven't responded yet: yes, I know. I'm the worst. To everyone else: submit something that I can add to the pile! Full info here -->
new post where i talk a lot about really cool and fast and sexy cars:
pixelglade 9 months ago

Congrats on getting an EV! While reading your post I had the song Gas Gas Gas by Manuel going through my head 😂 By the way not sure if intentional but clicking the Toggle Reader View brings up a different article.

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nohappynonsense 9 months ago

reader view is hacking into my website and showing all the quotes from the random quote generator. should try to fix that, but have no idea how. so, dont use reader view!

pixelglade 9 months ago

That's such a weird bug. I looked on your page (and the quote page) and couldn't find any article tags. I wonder if it would fix itself if you did have article tags around the post text?

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nohappynonsense 9 months ago

hey ya - that did it! pretty cool. i'll have to update all my previous posts as well shortly. thank you, i would have never figured this out on my own.

thanks for the follow!
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thanks for the follow!
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manulzone 9 months ago

you're welcome!

hi san!

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CreatedJul 6, 2020
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