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Changes coming to this site soon; I've discovered through some reflection that I'm much more interested in getting my work out there than in making things aesthetic or whatever. I mean, I do LOVE aesthetic sites, but at this moment in time, I'm much more concerned with making a home for my work and so have decided to prioritize substance over form (for now). i.e. things will look ugly for a bit TwT
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buffshel 5 months ago

p.s. I struggled to find a word to use other than "content" but I refuse to use that word to describe my own work as I find it devalues what I put into my writing and art. If anyone has anything better to use than "content", please share.

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Peeped your site and it's very cute! Especially loved lingering on your about page as the music you've chosen is a nice touch <3 Wishing the best for you and your neocities voyage.
cherrylotus 9 months ago

thank you so much! i appreciate it a lot :) i also took a peek at your art (∩˃o˂∩)♡ i love the way you color! wishing the best for you as well ~~<3

Your art is really awesome; I'm glad I stumbled on your site!
sammylux 9 months ago

thank you sm!!!! :D it means a lot

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedNov 8, 2023
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pixelart art personal portfolio writing