No Happy Nonsense

13,139 updates
0 tips
katesfree 4 months ago

This is ultimately more creative and proactive & less "just let it all wash over you unless you feel like arguing" than the TwitterX. Good job.

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murid 4 months ago

I do not recommend letting fireflies into your mouth, they will give you a tummy ache.

mikegrindle 4 months ago

reg: Mastodon. It's better social media but yeah, it is still social media. Took me a lot of curating to get my feed semi-decent there. Careful with those fireflies.

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pikemalarkey 4 months ago

wait i thought we were cool?

pikemalarkey 4 months ago

Yeah, I'm done with that for good. Lately what also feels performative is sharing photographs of food/holidays/purchases. I can't articulate why, it's just a feeling.

thanks for the follow@!!
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1 like
Ok wow you're a genius. Honoured by the follow!
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nohappynonsense 4 months ago

very very kind of you to say. i dig the triangle graph to link your works a lot. haven't gone through everything yet but digging what i've seen so far

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hit those ctrl+shift+r buttons, the site is back
readingproject 4 months ago

You've been a busy boy!

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nohappynonsense 4 months ago

some people say i'm still busy to this day

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trying to update a single html file and neocities just...wont...accept the changes? tried editing other pages and it works fine. just not this one. bizarre. good night.
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pixelglade 5 months ago

I've noticed it sometimes does this if you've made multiple changes around the same time. It's almost as if it's got a different file cached and keeps wanting to update to that version? Try saving an offline version of your changes and try updating it in a few hours.

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

yeah i've seen it once in a blue moon refuse a style sheet change or something but i never had an actual page lag on the update. i saved it and now it's taken the update correctly this morn

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so are you still around? or what's the dealio (this is hastiest handiwork btw, there have been many changes since we've last chatted)
k7 5 months ago

Hey, I'm here. Thanks for asking. I worked on this website while at college and, I won't lie, nearly forgot about it until you wrote. Work keeps me busy and I'm not as much into web tinkering now. That said, my goal with this was to feel more free to put myself out there, and I can say that it worked. I hope you're doing well too, in life and online!

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

Understandable, and glad that everything has worked out well for ya. Don't let the man grind you down, etc etc.

mikegrindle 5 months ago

Cool if that works better for you. How come you decided to go nuclear?

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

actually moving over my "writings" to a wordpress for the immense ease of use and functionality. i'm not a dev, i can't make a blog that works as easily as the pros can make for me.

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nohappynonsense 5 months ago

or maybe not. who knows. whenever i say it aloud (or type it, as i'm more likely to do) it seems so defeatist.

mikegrindle 5 months ago

For what it's worth, I've always enjoyed your sites layout but appreciate why you might want to change. Idk if it would be worth looking into something like BearBlog if you want a fuss-free experience. Maybe even Zonelets.

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Ear Rat Seven is LIVE! Immediately ignore all your responsibilities and come see what your fav Neocities peoples have made. Link:
mikegrindle 6 months ago

Got my copy 🐀 congrats on reaching 7 issues, Mr V

dann 6 months ago

Good stuff. I'll try not to slack next time

letslearntogether 6 months ago

Everyone's submissions are awesome! Thank you so much for putting this together. ¡Viva la rata de oreja!

myrrh 6 months ago

Sick !!!!

nohappynonsense 6 months ago

myrrh how have i never seen your site before? tis rad

1 like
cometpustoj 6 months ago

awesome keep the ear rats alive plssss


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CreatedJul 6, 2020
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