No Happy Nonsense

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new post: it's just pie, baby
paintkiller 4 months ago

Delightful. I've eaten an entire pumpkin pie myself since Thursday at about 2pm. And yes, it was cold.

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letslearntogether 4 months ago

Your descriptions of things always cracks me up. Cold pie is quite delicious. Pie, not pizza or pot pie...Actually, cold pizza is pretty good too.

hey thanks for the follow!
tapeykatt 4 months ago

You're welcome

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(sorry again for all the rss updates) ((sorry sorry for saying i was done a few days ago))
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thanks for the follow my fellow human!
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after many hours of "testing" (copy and pasting things i found online) i have figured out how to have an rss feed with actual content in it
dann 4 months ago

Hardest part for me was getting the date field to pass validation.

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nohappynonsense 4 months ago

haha yeah that date format is absurd, at least the one that works for me

wildbread 4 months ago

inspired me to also copy and paste RSS code thankyou

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if anyone who follows my RSS feed gets a bunch of updated items and/or gibberish today...i am sorry.
readingproject 4 months ago

I did. And sir, you are a tease!

nohappynonsense 4 months ago

what's neocities but a place for old friends to write things on each others websites/zines?

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mikegrindle 4 months ago

Was thinking you'd gone on some insane writing spree (to match the running, perhaps?) Eddie the office goblin is a mood.

another new post: this one "about" running, imagine that.
lostletters 5 months ago

the bit about the gels ended me 😂 poor Debra

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

sorry that I don't care how long it took you to put together this party, DEBRA!

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readingproject 5 months ago

Is this really true? Can you do that?

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sauerbaker 5 months ago

This type of absurdism tickles my brain just right.

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At this time all submissions for Ear Rat Mag #7 have been responded to. If you didn't receive a response, it's probably because you are a ghost still tethered to this world and you are not capable of using email correctly as a result. Sorry about that, truly.
readingproject 5 months ago

Just call me Casper!

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paintkiller 5 months ago

Just not enough time in the day over here, hopefully next time!

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dann 5 months ago

I tried to think of something to write, but October is just crazy trying to get the Halloween countdown finished. Next round.

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hey thanks for the follow!
keysklubhouse 5 months ago

You're welcome! :D

lostletters 5 months ago


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wildbread 5 months ago

wild venison

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readingproject 5 months ago

Do you think this is the kind of thing that got Gary Larson started?

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nohappynonsense 5 months ago

GL hasnt responded in our group text for a while, but i'll ask him

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CreatedJul 6, 2020
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writing zines fiction stories