No Happy Nonsense

13,139 updates
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thanks for the follow, your wake up take a shower video is dope haha
appolinaire 3 months ago

I appreciate that :) I love your site!

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1 like
thanks for the follow - your site looks like it's going to be/already is a good one
It's been a while, here's a podcast:
pikemalarkey 3 months ago

That sounds bad. Hope you're recovering and that you will do more podcasts! I also have had a bit of a hand thing since the lockdown. Maybe we both need to go out and lick some public bins to get over it.

1 like
heya, thanks for the follow!
manyface 3 months ago

you're welcome!! i really liked reading thru writtte

1 like
i enjoyed reading your writtte feed
nohappynonsense 3 months ago

i enjoy all the weird and wonderful stuff you create!

thank you for following
wormgodking 3 months ago

No problem! Excited to explore your site :)

thanks for the follow, welcome to neo
1 like
welcome to neocities and thanks for the follow!
metmoxie 3 months ago

I'm not really new here. I just needed to shift accounts. But thanks for the welcome anyway! :)

nohappynonsense 3 months ago

was gonna say, you got your site up and running pretty quick for a site that's less than 2 weeks old haha. well, howdy anyway!

readingproject 3 months ago

Things move fast. I just signed up to Disqus from your site yesterday. Does this mean they'll try to sell me diet pills now?

1 like
nohappynonsense 3 months ago

The first month's shipment is already en route. Your card on file has been billed $149⁹⁹

1 like
nohappynonsense 3 months ago

Disqus has a really easy implementation and looked nice enough on the site, but I'm just going with the lo-fi solution since I don't get a lot of comments anyway. And I don't want the potential for ads on my site to exist.

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readingproject 3 months ago

I understand. The only ads I want on my site are the ones I put there for my own purposes

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mikegrindle 3 months ago

First time seeing the buttons. There's a high probability I end up adding a little notepad to my site's front page now. Where do I send royalties?

nohappynonsense 3 months ago

I just texted my collection agent; don't worry, he'll find you.

mikegrindle 4 months ago

It's the calm before the storm...

readingproject 4 months ago

Unfortunately - and I just googled it - not even yodelling can help :-(

1 like

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJul 6, 2020
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