Always Your Pal, Melon!

12,334 updates
2 tips
Bang goes half my followers apparently xD
joppiesaus 5 years ago

there's some weird stuff going on, some stuff seems to be being re-written. However, if you go to your profile(, your follower count seems to be intact

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Hi humans, heads up I'm discontinuing hit counters. Love yall, but its costing cash and time, and its a feature I think Neocities should be providing. Also there are some good alternatives out there, go find em!
websitering 5 years ago

That's too bad. Thank you for the warning tho. :(

1 like
owlman 5 years ago

Kind of a shame to see this go, but as you said, as it is costing money, then it should really be up to you. It would be nice to see Kyle make a new version of a hitcount (yeah, sure he'll do that). Thank you, Melon!

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Came across a mural of your work in Tokyo, very cool.
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Love the aesthetic!
owlman 5 years ago

This looks cool!

melonking 5 years ago

There's a lot I could add, its really just an early proof of concept.

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Hi Humans, Im happy to announce Iv accepted an offer from Facebook to sell GifyPets. The service will be renamed ZuckerPets and you will have to feed them your personal data or they will automatically like every picture of your ex. Also gifs will no longer function and all theme options will be one shade of blue. Enjoy :D
owlman 5 years ago

Great news, I'm glad that sites like Facebook exist in the first place, thank you zucc_bot.bat!

yudosai 5 years ago

the zucc thanks you. we are quite greatful for your gregreamazing donation.

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Hitcounters are back up, I will be restoring full Network searches soon too. Thanks for you're patience!
websitering 6 years ago

Thank you melonking; I know you put alot of work into your resources. You make Neocities better!

You're web design wall of shame is on point!
lolwut 6 years ago

I am glad to see that you see the light, too, friend. Flat Design needs to die already.

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Hi all, sorry for the delay, HIT COUNTERS ARE BACK. Sadly due to funding it was only possible to restore them by deleting DN Search. But I think more people use the counters so they took preference.
sicklycarpet 6 years ago

Thank you Mel Mel, they do appear to be working on my pages once more.

websitering 6 years ago

Ah! Just before I removed them. Thank you. Sorry you had to shut down the search engine. Any chance of it comming back?

melonking 6 years ago

It will continue as a site list, but hardly anyone used the search feature. So I wont continue that again. Maybe just in a simpler form.

hamsterbuddies 6 years ago

i hope you add more soon i really like the idea of a mysterious/choose your own adventure game!!! i am now following! im kind of new to coding and stuff so any ideas would be great!

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CreatedJul 19, 2016
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