No Happy Nonsense

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howdy pardn'r! your yeehawbanero link has a time stamp in it that makes it start 1:14 into the film, just wanted to let y'all buckaroos know
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catcatproductions 3 years ago

Wow, I really appreciate that partner! Gonna fix it now! *draws mouse like a gun* That was silly! Thanks for the follow! Can't wait to check out your writing!

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

pew pew pew pewpepwpe wpepwepwepwe

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Interesting take w/Pale Moon! I read somewhere in an article once that if security is your concern and you're running some linux os and palemoon, you're probably the only person doing that within a pretty large radius (unless you live in a major city) and are effectively outing yourself in a shadow profile through the obscurity of the combination. PM worked fine when I used it, but I still don't know what's best
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elaboraet 3 years ago

That is an interesting point. I wouldn’t be surprised if I were the only person within 1/2 a mile using Debian and PM, ha. PM is an interesting thing. I like it. But a thing I don’t like: its forum. It came off a bit too toxic/elitist to me. Tried to ask a few questions and tried to discuss politel, but wasn’t met with nearly the same attitudes from most. Unfortunate, no?

Little Nemo was my JAM dude, digging your site, more to read for sure
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iroiro 3 years ago

Glad you like it and thanks for the follow. =)

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dope site
turning your project space into a full on maker space? i like it.
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CreatedJul 6, 2020
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