25,799 updates
1 tips
I will never not be annoyed by how Neocities posts updates to the activity feed. Maybe I should work on my site less so that 24 hours actually pass between updates. Ah, who really cares, I do this for me mostly anyhow. But, it still bothers me lol.
enflicted 8 months ago

YES. this bugs me to no end.

lostletters 8 months ago

If you end up going with an offline editor, you can batch changes and submit them all at once so then your activity updates are basically like a site update log with more substantial changes.

lotus-cube 8 months ago

It does bug me but I think NeoCities should be more websites and less social media anyways. This whole thing is the meta website of the website imo.

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If you saw my previous post here and were concerned, false alarm thankfully. All is well.
solaria 8 months ago

Good to hear!

PAINTKILLER was updated.
8 months ago
PAINTKILLER was updated.
8 months ago
enflicted 8 months ago

Once you embrace the offline editors I think you'll find the workflow much easier. I'm with you on those food trucks, around here they've always been called 'Roach Coaches'. But man are they clean, we have a taco truck in town with the BEST food, there is always a line down the street for it, it's always packed.

paintkiller 8 months ago

@ENFLICTED IDK what it is specifically that I love about food trucks, maybe just eating dope food as I walk down the street or see something different than normal, but man I love them! We have Tac El Riendo here for my fave taco truck, I don't ever miss it when it's out!

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enflicted 8 months ago

That's one of the reasons I visit the fair every year, the food! But, I'll say about 80% of the time, the food at the fair sucks. Still doesn't stop me every year though, cause last year, i picked up a masterful turkey leg, and it was so damn good.

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paintkiller 8 months ago

@ENFLICTED "a masterful turkey leg" sounds like something I want to try! I did the State Fair here every year when I was younger, my back and sciatica make it no longer an option, but I'm right there with you on the food. Only reason I went hahaha!

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enflicted 8 months ago

My dude, right there with you on sciatica pain, had a car accident years ago, and my right leg has been fucked ever since.

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paintkiller 8 months ago

@ENFLICTED sciatica the dumbest thing ever, I swear!

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starfighter 8 months ago

@enflicted "the offline editors" Whaa...t? What's that?

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enflicted 8 months ago

@starfighter as opposed to Neocities in-site editor, you can use programs like Notepad++, VSCode, etc. There are so many different editors to choose from.

starfighter 8 months ago

@enflicted Oooh, you mean like that. Okay then I understand. :D I thought it was something like a "silent" way to micro-update the site when there's only something small being changed. Notepad++ user myself!

enflicted 8 months ago

@starfighter, haha yea, I tend to associate a lot as "offline", cause everything seems to be connected and online now. VSCodium User myself, but I do use Notepad++ on occasion for quick edits!

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Not sure if you have your guestbook setup to have comments approved before they show up, but I (attempted) to leave a comment last night that I made a new property for Pocket Town but my PC crashed at potentially the moment I went to submit my comment. At any rate, I made a new Pocket Town :)
divergentrays 8 months ago

No, I live on the edge and let those guestbook comments just roll on through. Glad you said something and so excited there's a new house! Woo!

divergentrays 8 months ago

Oh dude, a pyramid - how cool!!

don't give up on pixel art, you have a great style! Also, check out Pixel Pete on YouTube. I've learned so much from his videos.
paintkiller 8 months ago

Oh, I'll never actually quit, that's for sure! You and some others around these parts are just so insanely talented! Thanks for the comment and compliment, I will def check out Pixel Pete, thanks for the recommendation!

Thanks for the great tutorial video, very much appreciated!
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Regarding code and handstyles comments you left for me - trust me, your code and handstyles are WELL wicked! I love the currated chaotic nature of both. Your website is a labyrinth and so are your handstyles. And, yes, that IS a compliment!
pumpkin-ninja 8 months ago

omg wow- thank you SO MUCH for the insane approbation and words, it goes right to my soul !!!!!

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For the last 3 nights I've gotten about halfway through an increasingly large Journal update and my PC, as it is wont to do, crashes about halfway thru the update. I know, just save more often. But then I feel people might check it out with only a small portion of the update saved and not get the big picture. It's definitely happened in the past.
paintkiller 8 months ago

So offline editors are a thing I see people mention. I've always used the online editor with Geocities, Tripod, etc. How do offline editors work? I like to check my work often every step of the way, because I'm not a terribly skilled HTML, CSS, etc kinda person. I mostly just hack away at it until it looks right on the frontend.

paintkiller 8 months ago

Can you see the final product, with current code and assets, along with new additions and updates offline in, more or less, real time every time you save it? Or do you have to be pretty certain in your code?

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lostletters 8 months ago

I love vs code as my editor. It makes it way easier to save the file and see the changes even if you just tweak a line.

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pip-pepping 8 months ago

Regarding how offline editing works: Gonna try to whip up a video demonstration later

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bmh 8 months ago

Why not work on it offline, such as in a notepad/word file and copy/paste it when you're ready to upload?

enflicted 8 months ago

I use VSCodium, its an open source alternative to M$ VSCode, but depending on your PC Specs, you could try Notepad++ they have plugins available for various programming languages, syntax highlighting, etc..I also have xampp on my machine, which sets up a local server, so I can test my site before going live.

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pip-pepping 8 months ago

Here's my demo video -- I may have left some details out because I have college brain right now, but if you just want to know what it's like to use an offline editor to preview site changes, then this should be sufficient

paintkiller 8 months ago

Thanks got all the input and advice, and the fermi video was super nice!

PAINTKILLER was updated.
8 months ago
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