manyface world

4,398 updates
0 tips
absolutely adore the header picture.... your website is so vibrant and flashy but in the best way possble
manyface 9 months ago

thank you so much!! your website is really great too :D the simplicity is very appealing!! - j

1 like
Thank you so much for following back! Your website is amazing and I linked your button on our site. - Efir
1 like
indylandia 9 months ago

ofc! i'll link urs <3

1 like
manyface 9 months ago

efir made the links page into a links directory with three pages: neighbours + neighbourhoods, contact links, and resources

thank you all for 10k views, that means a great deal to us! making this website is really fun and rewarding and so we hope that as we continue on this journey we will make more friends! - j and efir
manyface 9 months ago

I (Efir) made my own page and a page for my quiz results.

1 like
manyface 9 months ago

added a personality quiz results page for me, linked from my personal page - j

1 like
manyface 9 months ago

going absolutely crazy on joining fanlistings and cliques and such

1 like
your site is really cool! listening to clanker's cavern right now, it's great hehe!! can we link buttons?
tripixel 9 months ago

yeah sure! and thanks :)

1 like
wow your site is dope!!! and your writing is phenomenal!!
1 like
foxthing 9 months ago

thank you so much <3333

1 like
hi we'd love to join!! also is it okay to join in with the december book if we're joining right now?
maplebear 9 months ago

hi there! of course! :3 i'll add you to the member list now

1 like
hi!! we were mutuals on twitter a long time ago it's so good to see you again!! :D
1 like
traumagotchi 9 months ago

Hi!!!!! Omg!! :D

1 like

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Last updated 18 hours ago
CreatedNov 14, 2022
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