faintly macabre

704 updates
0 tips
hi hello i am in fact still alive and haven't abandoned the site i'm just still fully obsessed with lioden! i'm hoping to have a little site update ready later this month but we'll see!!
i added your button!
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faintlymacabre 1 month ago

re-added my buttons to the home page!

Hi! I want to add your button to my neighbor wall but I can't seem to find it. When you've got a moment could you please point me in the right direction? Sorry if it's somewhere obvious I could just be missing it!
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faintlymacabre 1 month ago

i am sitting at my desk staring at my home page like "i didn't add them back???" lol i'll add them and let u know

faintlymacabre 1 month ago

okay i got it lol they're on my home page

cheytopia 1 month ago

Thank youuu :)

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cheytopia 1 month ago

annnnnd added

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feeling the itch to sign up for random virtual pet sites instead of coding my library page or finishing any of my other to-dos
ty for the follow! your site has such a lovely minimalistic design~!
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vampjre 1 month ago

thank you so much!!!

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lovely site! love the syosa pixel art, you have great taste :)
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faintlymacabre 1 month ago

thank you! her art is so wondrful c:

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faintlymacabre 1 month ago

updated the links page and added my first craft to the craft page!

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notprincehamlet 1 month ago

your friendship bracelet turned out lovely!

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faintlymacabre 1 month ago

updated the button wall and also finally finished fixing the broken bits of code!

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2024
Site Traffic Stats


art horror writing coding nonsense