
432 updates
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A year has passed since the last update, so, here are some good news: Layers 129-135 are ready to be published, along with the recorded process for Youtube, and the log entries accompanying the updates. More or less, 210 hours were dedicated to that, and I’ll keep working for a while before publishing anything. Currently, updates are available on Patreon for free members, but all will be made public here later on.
30000 … [ silence ]
Twelfth and thirteenth log entries have been published, along with layers 127 and 128.
k3qx 1 year ago

Also, the making of layer 127 was published as well.

k3Q× was updated.
1 year ago
[2023.05.10] Eleventh entry of the log have been published, along with layer 126.
k3Q× was updated.
1 year ago
asterion 1 year ago

Congratulations on your milestone!

[2023.04.08] Ninth and tenth entries of the log have been published, along with layers 124 and 125 respectively. A new rule was revealed (One-way paths). Almost 20k views to the website. Nice! Did you know that k3Q× progress is now being documented in video format? Take a look:
k3Q× was updated.
1 year ago
[2023.02.11] Eighth entry of the log was published, layer 123 has been finished and uploaded.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 30, 2021
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