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you're welcome! hi there!
you're welcome!! i left a msg in your guestbook but i'll say it here too: your crochet is awesome!!
Ahh thank you!! It means so much :,)
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joined a few webrings and did a few more quizzes - j
also updated my bio page with some extra stuff - j
you're very welcome! and i added your button to our site just now! - shades
i made my own page! - shades
added five more pieces to abstract art gallery - shades
thank you! i love your work a lot, i have an interest in uk rave too! neocities massive!! - j
HELLO!! happy to see you here too!! yay! <3
take my epic 100% accurate lizard quiz - j
i got a bearded dragon!! I love them so much
chameleon! yeah, i can see that :)
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you're welcome! hi there!