Installing Gildedware...

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Opening the newest section to my site: my blog! Despite having a tumblr for 11 years i never actually used it as a blog proper, so personal site blog it is haha
gildedware 4 months ago

I'll be putting all sorts of thoughts and rambles there, including stuff on the development of my stories and characters!

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webcatz 4 months ago

holy shit congratulations on getting engaged!!!

gildedware 4 months ago

Thank you!!!!!!

pixelglade 3 months ago

Congrats on the engagement. Hope the UI/UX career transition works for you. I'm still trying to get my foot in somewhere graphic design related. 🤞

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Launched my first story-specific section: Neopets! I'm going to add all my Neopets OCs to it over time. It's also a test drive of how I want to present the parts of the site that are about specific stories/settings and the OCs that show up in it.
gildedware 5 months ago

I want different story/webcomic sections' layouts to reflect the theming of said story (Neopets story has the classic Neopets layout, Hello World has a web 1.0 layout, Patronverse has a Pokemon menu layout... possibilities are endless)

Went ahead and created a self-hosted mirror version of the neopets petpage article I wrote for a yesterweb zine last year!

Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedOct 15, 2021
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art personal webcomic comics ocs