Installing Gildedware...

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It's still a long ways off since I have so much to sort out with this site, but I think I'll eventually bring over my Petz site over to here instead of keeping it separate... I like the thought of everything being under my main (easier to handle and feels cozier), especially with how this site is built to be my super awesome hub
gildedware 3 days ago

I'll set up a redirect over there to send people here once I bring everything over too!

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gildedware 3 days ago

My Petz site is Petzcape if anyone is wondering haha

Updated my about page a bit and added my artfight link to the index page! i'd forgotten about that, oops
Rewrote the text and reordered some elements in my index page, it needed a refresh!
Who's on I made my account today!
ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

I've heard of it coming back ^^ Even though I'm kind of unmotivated with social media myself :']

Finally figured out how to put hyperlinks in my gallery captions! This means I can actually link to people when crediting them for OC art. Such a small thing and a small fix but this had been bothering me for a while and I'm really happy I fixed it :)
gildedware 4 weeks ago

It was such a simple fix too, it was something related to the quotation marks (hyperlinks need " which was already in use by the caption tag so I switched that one to ' after seeing another gallery code earlier today)

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Just did a major revamp of my links page: now every link is neatly sorted into a table together with a description to give visitors further context. I also fixed and added a bunch of new site buttons! if you don't see yourself there and would like to be in, leave a comment!
gildedware 1 month ago

I've also tweaked the CSS so that all links become underlined when hovered over in all pages


Website Stats

Last updated 54 minutes ago
CreatedOct 15, 2021
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art personal webcomic comics ocs